It Is Time For Brokers To Go ! ! !

The American trucking industry is the backbone of our supply chain and is being drained by brokers, factoring, towing, regulation, parts and shop fees. Brokers prioritize profit over industry, leaving independent motor carriers struggling to survive. It's time to empower hardworking truckers and rebuild a fair and thriving trucking industry for carriers.

How Did We Get Into This Mess?

For the past four decades, freight brokers have offered a solution for shippers seeking to avoid the hassle of managing numerous carriers. While this convenience is undeniable, the power dynamic has shifted dramatically.

Brokers are now squeezing margins, leaving carriers with shrinking profits. This extra layer in the shipping process isn't contributing value – it's hindering the very industry it serves by destroying carriers. The time has come to take "the" stand.

How Do We Fix This Mess?

Are you fed up with brokers who exploit loopholes and disregard regulations meant to safeguard your our businesses? You're not alone. By uniting, we can break free from their stranglehold. 

Together, we become the indispensable force for shippers, eliminating the need for exploitative middlemen. Our strength lies in solidarity. Take a stand – join the movement and reclaim the trucking industry for the carriers who keep America moving!

How Can You Help Step 1

Carriers United is building a solution to empower carriers and eliminate the need for brokers. Our detailed plan, while based on a simple concept, will revolutionize the industry. To turn this vision into reality, Carriers United is currently seeking investment to fund software acquisition and configuration. This critical step will allow us to onboard carriers and create a broker-less future.

You can be part of the change. Here's how:
Invest: Invest as little as $100 a month for 12 months to directly support our progress and share in the proceeds. 

Spread the Word: Share Carriers United with other carriers and help us build a strong community.


How Can I Help Step 2

Carriers United needs your help! 

We're on a mission to empower truck owners by eliminating freight brokers from the equation. To do this and much more, we need to unite. 

In the past, we spread the word on C.B. radios, but now we rely on the internet and word-of-mouth to reach all 1.5 million truck owners.

Please share this message with your fellow drivers and let them know that Carriers United is here for them. Together, we can create a better future for the trucking industry!

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